Living in Recovery Outreach Coordinator David Crawley on Why Self-Acceptance and Peer Support are so Essential to the Recovery Process 

David Crawley began his career at ServiceNet working in the emergency shelter in Pittsfield. As a person in substance use recovery himself, he was familiar with members of the recovery […]

As the New Program Director of Living in Recovery, Julie MacDonald Brings Experience and Excitement to the Role  

Julie MacDonald is the program director of Living in Recovery, a program established in 2018 to provide a variety of non-clinical, peer-led support, educational, and social options for the [...]

Living in Recovery Held Overdose Awareness Day Memorial and Vigil in Recognition of International Overdose Awareness Day 

Living In Recovery, supported by ServiceNet, hosted an Overdose Awareness Day Memorial and Vigil on August 31 in Pittsfield, MA. The event included a candlelight vigil and 62 seconds of [...]

$400,000 grant will allow Pittsfield peer-run recovery center to hire, provide safe options for members

Posted Wednesday, June 19, 2019 5:30 pm By Haven Orecchio-Egresitz, The Berkshire Eagle PITTSFIELD — For those overcoming addiction, Friday nights can be hard. Even after being [...]


BY LARRY PARNASS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18TH, 2018 THE BERKSHIRE EAGLE PITTSFIELD — Each month, more than 700 people find their way to a building in the city’s Westside neighborhood. They […]