Young people who have experienced their first psychotic episode can benefit from an intensive, multifaceted program through which they learn the skills they need to move on.

About the Program

ServiceNet’s Prevention and Recovery in Early Psychosis (PREP) Program offers comprehensive outpatient treatment for young adults between the ages of 16 to 30 years old who have had an experience of psychosis within the previous three years.

Several experiences are shared by many, but not all, people experiencing psychosis. The word psychosis often describes conditions that affect the mind, such as disorganized thoughts, cognitive changes, less emotion and speech, hallucinations, or delusions.

During a psychotic episode, people may feel their mind is either racing or going too slowly. Sometimes they hear voices or see things. They may seem extremely confused, withdrawn, or difficult to understand when they speak.

PREP offers comprehensive outpatient treatment for individuals age 16-30, and their families, including:

  • Groups provide the basis for community-building and peer support
  • Participants also get to know each other through activities such as cooking and socializing
  • Individual therapy gives participants the opportunity to build a meaningful relationship with a professional therapist
  • Psychiatric Services works with participants who may be prescribed medication to help calm uncomfortable experiences
  • Family and Network Meetings are held with the PREP team, participant, and his or her family to discuss difficult topics and discover new ways of moving forward

Referral Process

Individuals may refer themselves. Health professionals, family members, or friends may also call to set up an initial meeting.

PREP is fully funded by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health through a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant.


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